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5 2023

PJ Library-PJ Our Way Cross-Canada Tu B'Shevat

4:00PM - 5:00PM  

Virtual - Zoom link given upon registration

Contact Emily Litvack

PJ Library-PJ Our Way Cross-Canada Tu B'Shevat

Join Aleph Canada's S'viva Sababa program to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees on February 5 at 4 pm!
Youth, ages 9 to 12, are invited to join our cross-Canada PJOW eco-party, where we will plant indoor Havdallah gardens, learn about young environmental leaders, and discuss ways we can make our communities and the world at large more sustainable.
Pick up your free Resource Kit at the Soloway JCC during regular hours, Jan 30 - Feb 3.
To register: