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Antisemitism Resources



In Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People, Ben M. Freeman, aims to educate, inspire and empower Jewish people to reject the shame of antisemitism. 


While everyone seems to have a strong opinion about Israel, how many people actually know the facts? Read Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth by Noa Tishby.


In Jews Don't Count, David Baddiel outlines why and how in a time of intensely heightened awareness of minorities, Jews don’t count as a real minority and why they should. 


Today’s antisemitism is difficult to recognize because it does not come dressed in a Nazi uniform and it does not openly proclaim its hatred or fear of Jews. David Hirsh explains the trend in Contemporary Left Antisemitism.


Online resources and thought leaders


The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)  is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations across Canada. CIJA identifies issues important to Canada’s Jewish community and is at the forefront of fighting antisemitism. Visit Unlearn It, a CIJA resource hub for educators and parents to learn about, identify, and take action to address antisemitism.


The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) offers year-round programming that includes combating antisemitism, prejudice, and racism and promoting respect for diversity, social justice and human rights.


Ottawa Against Antisemitism (OAA) on Facebook offers community discussion and information sharing.


On Twitter, Ottawa City Watch stands up for safety and inclusion in schools, workplaces, and cities.


On Twitter, David Hirsh looks at the kind of antisemitism which is tolerated or which goes unacknowledged in apparently democratic space.


David Collier’s  writings help challenge the revisionist narrative and expose lies and antisemitism.

The Unpacked channel on YouTube 

On Instragram: Hen Mazzig; Eve Barlow; Jews on Campus